Click HERE to View the Webinar
On Tuesday, March 31, the Public Interest Law Student Association, the Public Interest Law Center, and the Judicial Clerkship Office held NYU Law’s first ever clerkship event focused solely on the questions, concerns, and experiences of clerking for public interest students and careers!
Watch the webinar to hear from public interest alumni who clerked in federal courts, and who have careers spanning public defense, immigration, impact litigation, and policy. Panelists will speak to the specific considerations that public interest students should take into account before, during, and after the application process, as well as how clerking fit into their larger public interest job search and career trajectory.
PILSA has created a resource compiled in 2020 (you’ll need to log into your CSM account to access the resource) that includes the advice and contact information of more than 40 NYU Law alumni and current 3Ls who are pursuing public interest careers, and clerked, are clerking, or will be clerking soon. Please note this resource is not an official NYU Law document and has not been approved by the NYU Law administration. It represents the viewpoints and advice of current and former NYU Law public interest students.