Sep. 24 – From Forests to Farms: Tackling the Environmental and Social Impacts of Food Production in Brazil

  September 24 , 9:00 am – 6:00 pm   Food systems play a critical role in determining the future of forests around the world. Livestock farming and other forms of agriculture have also had a significant impact on the […]

Sep. 23: Seeking Student Volunteers for Candid Photoshoot (JD, LLM)

Please note we have rescheduled the dates of our photoshoot from the original dates to October 8 and 9.  The Office of Communications is seeking JD and LLM student volunteers for candid photoshoots that will take place on October 8 […]

Sept. 27 and Sept. 29: Seeking Student Volunteers for Campus Photoshoots (JD, LLM)

The Office of Communications is seeking JD and LLM student volunteers for candid photoshoots that will take place on September 27 and September 29 at various locations around the Law School and the immediate neighborhood. Images will be published in […]

Mar. 22: Seeking Student Volunteers for Candid Photoshoot (JD, LLM)

The Office of Communications is seeking JD and LLM student volunteers for a candid photoshoot that will take place on March 22nd from approximately 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm. Images may be published in Admissions materials and online, as well […]