February 3 – Deadline to Register for Spring 2025 Writing Credit & Directed Research

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The spring 2025 deadline to register for a Writing Credit and Directed Research is Monday, February 3, 2025. If you are not already registered, you must add these classes by following the instructions here and getting the approval of the appropriate program office.


JDs – Office of Academic Services (law.acadservices@nyu.edu or 212-998-6020)
Non-tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Affairs (law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu or 212-998-6015)
Tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Tax (law.taxprograms@nyu.edu or 212-998-6150)


Writing Credit:

This writing credit is the Option A Writing Credit, which satisfies the JD Substantial Writing graduation requirement. NOTE: If you selected the Priority Option in COURSES and won the seminar, this did not automatically register you for the writing credit; you must add the writing credit to your schedule.


Please see our Substantial Writing Requirements webpage for detailed information about the writing requirement and a list of classes with an Option A writing credit component.


To add a writing credit after COURSES closes for the semester, see Subsequent Registration Cycles.


Directed Research:


To add Directed Research, a written proposal must be submitted to the student’s program office no later than February 3. The proposal must be signed by the supervising professor or the student must present an email from the professor approving the proposal at the time of submission. The written proposal ordinarily is at least 1,000 words and should describe the subject matter of the Directed Research and the issues the student intends to explore in the paper.


Please note that adjunct professors can only supervise Directed Research with the approval of Vice Dean Randy Hertz. The Directed Research proposal should be submitted to the student’s program office and not to Dean Hertz. Your program office will forward the same for Dean Hertz’s approval.


Please check our Directed Research webpage for more detailed information regarding the procedures to register for Directed Research.

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