Sept. 20: A Conversation with the head of USDOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs Carlos Uriarte

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Please join PILC for a lunchtime conversation with U.S. Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Carlos Felipe Uriarte on his work heading up the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) and more. As the leader of the DOJ office that is responsible for managing the Department’s relationship with Congress, Mr. Uriarte advocates for the Department’s interests on Capitol Hill, develops and implements strategies to advance the Department’s legislative initiatives, and articulates the Department’s position on legislation proposed by Congress. Mr. Uriarte has extensive executive branch and legislative experience, including serving as Chief Counsel for the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus under House Majority Whip James Clyburn and as Associate Deputy Attorney General during the Obama-Biden Administration. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Washington University in St. Louis, Mr. Uriarte is delighted to speak to students about the Department’s work, his path in public service, and a broad range of opportunities in both traditional and nontraditional legal roles in government.


WHEN:  Friday, September 20 from 1:15-2:15pm

WHERE: Furman Hall 216

RSVP here


Pizza and beverages will be served.  This event will NOT be recorded.