NYU Law EPIC Presents: Courtwatch NYU

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EPIC Courtwatch

NYS Bar Pro Bono Hour Eligible! Supervised by Legal Aid Society’s Decarceration Project.

Ending the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC) is excited to announce a new initiative — Courtwatch NYU, a collaboration between EPIC, Courtwatch NYC, and the Legal Aid Society’s Decarceration Project. This opportunity is eligible for NYS bar pro bono hours, open to JDs and LLMs. No prior experience is required.

Courtwatch NYC recently relaunched #BailWatch, a project that sends community members into Manhattan Criminal Court arraignments to observe the most carceral judges and gather data on their bail-setting and pretrial detention practices. This data will assist the Decarceration Project’s pretrial release advocacy, bail applications, and litigation.

The commitment is flexible according to your schedule!

Mandatory training on Monday, October 7th at 7:00 PM in Vanderbilt Hall. Food will be provided!

Apply here.

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