New search engine at the Law Library: Discovery

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Welcome to the 2024/2025 academic year at NYU Law! Whether you are new or returning to campus, you don’t want to miss the Law Library’s streamlined new search interface, called “Discovery” ( We invite you to use Discovery in your legal research to take advantage of the benefits it offers, including:

  • A single search box to simultaneously search the Law Library’s physical books as well as online books & articles across many databases.

  • Filtering your results on a wider range of categories, such as language, publisher, subject, format, and more.

  • Saving and sharing results under your login, so you can easily manage your search results and research project materials.

We have also created an introductory guide to Discovery that you can review. For a live demonstration over Zoom, register for one of our upcoming sessions.

As usual in the course of conducting research, we also recommend that you consider searching NYU Libraries’ main catalog and WorldCat.

If you have any questions or would like assistance in exploring Discovery’s features, please contact the Law Library via your preferred method. We look forward to hearing from you!

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