JSD Academic Skills Workshop on Legal Blogging– Oct. 4 RSVP

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Dear all,

You are warmly invited to join the JSD Academic Skills workshop on Legal Blogging that will take place on Wednesday, October 4th 1:00-2:45pm in 22WSN @the lounge.

Led by JSD Anja Bossow and Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Guarini Institute for Global Law and Tech Moritz Schramm, the session will include a panel discussion with editors from leading legal blogs and a practical workshop on what makes a good blogpost. Please see the program below.

To RSVP email jsdcoordinator@nyu.edu.

The JSD Program

JSD Academic Skills Workshop on Legal Blogging
Led by Anja Bossow (New York University) & Moritz Schramm (Humboldt-University of Berlin & New York University); both are editors at Verfassungsblog.

Over the last decade, legal blogging has emerged as an important driver of both scholarly and public debate. Blogs allow academics to publish faster, shorter, and more topical pieces than traditional formats like peer-reviewed journals or US law reviews, allowing them to weigh in more easily on political and regulatory debates. Yet, there remains little understanding of how legal blogs operate and select their contributions. This session will begin with a panel discussion with Editors from Just Security and Verfassungsblog, two leading legal blogs, who will share insights regarding the nature of legal blogging and their respective editorial processes. The discussion will be followed by a workshop that unpacks the substantive and stylistic criteria for legal blogging. Participants will learn what makes a good blogpost, how to write for a non-academic audience, and what the differences are between writing a journal publication and a blogpost.

12:45pm – 1:30pm: Panel discussion with Paras Shah, editor for Just Security and Moritz Schramm, editor for Verfassungsblog. Moderated by JSD Candidate Anja Bossow.

01:30 – 2:30 Workshop with Anja Bossow and Moritz Schramm: What makes a good blogpost? Concept, Claim, Structure, Style.