Sep. 13: Research Assistant Opportunity

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The High Level Expert Group on Gender Persecution and Gender Apartheid which has an affiliation with NYU’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGL) is seeking three NYU law students interested in an exciting research opportunity at the intersection of international human rights and criminal law.

Research assistants will support the work of the newly-launched High-Level Expert Group on Gender Persecution and Gender Apartheid, which aims to obtain full accountability for those directly affected by the crimes of gender apartheid and gender persecution, including by building awareness of the gaps existing in international law with respect to such crimes, the resulting barriers to effectuating justice for victims and survivors, and the necessary steps to address these issues through international law.

Research assistants will work on a myriad of legal research assignments on topics ranging from gender-based crimes under international law to human rights protections against gender-based discrimination.

This research will be used for ongoing efforts to achieve justice for victims of gender-based apartheid and/or persecution around the world.

Research assistants should expect to devote approximately 10 hours per week (at the usual NYU rates of pay for paid research) through this fall semester.

They will work under the direct supervision of pro-bono attorneys at a local NY firm supervised by Prof. Alvarez.

NYU students (2Ls, 3ls, or LLMs) should submit a short cover letter, informal transcript of NYU grades (if applicable), and a CV (as an email with attachments) to Prof. Alvarez ( by Sept 13.  The subject line of the email should indicate: “application for gender persecution project.”