Africa Arbitration Day – New York Moot Competition Call For Applications

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CPR Institute and the Steering Committee of the 2024 Africa Arbitration Day – New York (“AAD-NY”) are pleased to invite law students to participate in the program’s arbitration moot competition taking place the morning of Friday, November 1, 2024, at the New York City office of White & Case LLP, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

About the AAD-NY 2024 Arbitration Moot

  • The purpose of the AAD-NY Arbitration Moot is to help develop the next generation of arbitration practitioners in Africa-related disputes.
  • We will use the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (“Vis Moot”) problem to provide support to students preparing for the 32nd annual Vis Moot competition in Vienna in Spring 2025.

Application Requirements

  • Participation is open to current JD and LLM students with an interest in Africa-related arbitration.
  • To apply please submit a letter of interest, not exceeding 500 words and a curriculum vitae to Prince-Alex Iwu at no later than 11:59 pm ET on Friday, September 20, 2024.
  • Your letter should include your name, your law school, degree program, and should describe your interest in Africa-related arbitration.
  • There is no fee to participate in the moot but participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.

Financial Assistance

CPR is a non-profit organization and has a very limited AAD-NY Scholarship Fund for a student meeting certain eligibility requirements. We anticipate any award from the Fund would only cover a part of the anticipated costs and strongly advise that students still seek to secure financial support directly from their schools, communities, and businesses/ organizations.

Any amounts that are awarded to a student from the 2024 AAD-NY Scholarship Fund would be reimbursed to the student after their participation in the 2024 AAD-NY moot when documentation and receipts for eligible expenses incurred are submitted to CPR for reimbursement up to the award amount.

Applicants who wish to apply for financial support from the AAD-NY Scholarship Fund must submit a letter with their application including the following information:

  1. the scholarship amount they are seeking,
  2. how they will secure the rest of the funding needed, and
  3. how the student believes participation in the AAD-NY arbitration moot would advance the use of dispute resolution in their country.

Students should note that the Scholarship Fund has limited resources and will not be able to accommodate all requests. Funds are reimbursed after the conclusion of the Moot.


Participants will not represent their schools in the moot. Instead, they will participate individually in teams with other participants.

Four participants will be split into two teams representing either the claimant or respondent. Each team will be assigned a coach.

Each team shall submit a written argument, not exceeding 2,500 words, including footnotes, in word format to Prince-Alex Iwu at no later than 11:59 pm ET on Friday, October 18, 2024. Each team shall also present oral arguments to three mock arbitrators on Monday, November 1, 2024, at 10:30am ET at White & Case LLP located at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Participants should arrive by 10:00 am ET for registration. Each team will be allocated 30 minutes for oral argument which shall be divided evenly between team members.

Awards will be presented for Best Oralist and Best Written Submission. Certificates will be presented to the award winners at the beginning of the general AAD-NY program, which participants are welcome to attend at no expense.

Please refer to the Moot Package for further details about the written and oral arguments.

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