Jul. 16: Spring 2025 Bidding Cycle #1 (Selected Classes) Ends

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Spring 2025 Bidding Cycle #1 (Selected Classes) begins today, July 10th at 1:30 p.m. New York time. This bidding cycle offers students a chance to bid for classes offered in both semesters earlier in order to help plan their fall schedules.


During this first spring cycle, all available spring sections of the following courses will be available for bidding:


LAW-LW.10007 – Accounting for Lawyers
LAW-LW.10093 – Professional Responsibility in the Public Interest Seminar
LAW-LW.10200 – Professional Responsibility in Criminal Practice Seminar
LAW-LW.10327 – Mergers and Acquisitions
LAW-LW.10395 – Criminal Procedure: Fourth and Fifth Amendments
LAW-LW.10644 – Corporations
LAW-LW.11158 – Negotiating Corporate Transactions
LAW-LW.11164 – Antitrust Law
LAW-LW.11171 – Contracts (For LL.M. Students)
LAW-LW.11368 – Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAW-LW.11461 – Corporate Finance
LAW-LW.11479 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers
LAW-LW.11552 – Copyright Law
LAW-LW.11607 – Evidence
LAW-LW.11702 – Constitutional Law
LAW-LW.11722 – Federal Courts and the Federal System
LAW-LW.11783 – Property (with Professor Brooks)
LAW-LW.11994 – Income Taxation
LAW-LW.12059 – Cross Border Mergers & Acquisitions
LAW-LW.12346 – Professional Responsibility in the Corporate Context
LAW-LW.12397 – Role of the Lawyer in Public Life
LAW-LW.12936 – Cross Border Mergers & Acquisitions: Simulation Module


Similar to the fall, you will have 1,000 points for bidding on spring courses. Please keep in mind these 1,000 points will be the same set of points you will be using for Spring 2025 Bidding Cycle #2 in August and the Spring 2025 Daily Cycles.


Please refer to the 2024-2025 Registration Calendar for additional important dates. Also continue to check the Course Updates page for changes to the schedule and any new course offerings.


The lists of closed classes and their clearing prices are available on our Clearing Prices for Closed Classes web page, which can be found on the left-hand side of Using COURSES.


Spring 2025 Bidding Cycle #1 (Selected Classes) will end on July 16 at 9:30 a.m. New York time.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your program office:

JDs – Office of Academic Services (law.acadservices@nyu.edu or 212-998-6020)
Non-tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Affairs (law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu or 212-998-6015)
Tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Tax (law.taxprograms@nyu.edu or 212-998-6150)