JD 2L Group Advising Appointments Summer 2024

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Dear Rising 2Ls,


We are pleased to invite you to group advising sessions on Monday, June 17 and Tuesday, June 18, to help you prepare for fall registration. Advisors from the offices of Academic Services (OAS), Career Services (OCS), and the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) will be answering your questions about course registration, academic requirements, career planning, and course selection. OCS counselors will be advising on June 17, and PILC counselors will be available on June 18. While attendance is not mandatory, we highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. The deadline to sign up for a group advising session is Monday, June 10.


Advising sessions are capped at 10 students, and each session is 20 minutes long. To get the most out of your session, we strongly recommend familiarizing yourselves with our Areas of Study, the Schedule of Classes, and our Degree Requirements beforehand.


To register for an advising session, please follow these two (2) steps: 


  1. Upload the following advising materials to a JIRA ticket:
    • Resume (only if you intend to meet with an OCS counselor)
    • Unofficial transcript
    • Word document with the following information:
      • Expected graduation term and year
      • Short term goals and practice areas of interest
      • Courses you are planning to take in Fall 2024 / Spring 2025 (refer to the Schedule of Classes)
      • Study abroad plans, if any
      • Specific questions or concerns you need addressed before course registration
  1. Click here to schedule your group advising appointment for June 17 (OCS) or June 18 (PILC).
    • While scheduling your appointment, copy the JIRA ticket number to your appointment request under “Reasons for your Appointment.”


Please note, these group sessions are exclusively for rising 2Ls. Rising 3Ls who need to make sure they’re on track to graduate can schedule individual appointments with an academic advisor or a counselor in OCS or PILC


For any questions, please email us at law.acadservices@nyu.edu. We look forward to meeting with you in June!


Best regards,

Office of Academic Services (OAS)

Office of Career Services (OCS)

Public Interest Law Center (PILC)

NYU School of Law

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