Full-time NYU School of Law Students Who Are Called for Jury Duty

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Full-time NYU School of Law students are eligible to request a deferment of their jury duty service. If you receive a summons for jury duty to serve when classes are in session, bring the original summons to your program office no later than one week prior to the date your service is to begin. You can also email a clear front-and-back PDF scan of your summons.


JDs: Office of Academic Services (law.acadservices@nyu.edu)

Non-tax LLMs: Office of Graduate Affairs (law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu)

Tax-LLMs: Graduate Tax Program (law.taxprograms@nyu.edu)


Once your program office receives your jury duty summons, they will send a letter to the Court, requesting a deferment on the grounds that you are a full-time student. Our offices are able to write this letter for you as long as the dates of your jury service occur when classes are in session.


Although our offices will send a letter to the Court, it is your responsibility to follow the postponement instructions specified on your summons and to follow up with the Court as needed to confirm the status of your deferment request.


If you are summoned to serve jury duty when classes are not in session, such as during Spring Break, between the end of fall exams and the beginning of classes in the spring semester, or during the summer, you must request a deferment from the Court on your own.

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