Spring 2025 Daily Cycles #2 begins on Monday, January 13 at 1:30 pm EST. Please make adjustments to your spring 2025 schedule if you so desire. This daily add/drop cycle will run each business day through January 30 at 9:30 am EST. Results will be available each business day at 1:30 pm through January 30.
Please refer to the Subsequent Registration Cycles page and the 2024-2025 Registration Calendar for additional information and important dates. Please also continue to check the Course Updates page for changes to the schedule and new course offerings, such as Federal Health Reform: Law, Policy and Politics Seminar.
Discretionary Admits & First Class Attendance: Some classes have special attendance rules. Please follow the procedures for these classes: https://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/first-class-attendance
Closed Seminars/Colloquia/Simulations – The law school rules permit faculty to admit up to two students to seminars/colloquia/simulations during the first class meeting outside the regular registration procedures.
First Class Attendance Required – You should check the course descriptions of your classes regarding attendance. Some professors state that they will drop students if they miss the first class.
In addition, please be careful of conditional add/drops or bids you no longer want. Remember to delete the bid for any class you no longer wish to add to your schedule. You remain on the waitlist for a closed class until you delete your bid.
To delete a bid, click on the stylus icon, select “Delete” and then “OK” to confirm that you want to delete the bid. Any bid in COURSES, even a bid for zero points, will be processed and may adjust your registration if a seat becomes available in a closed class.
If you require assistance, please contact your program office.
JDs – Office of Academic Services (law.acadservices@nyu.edu or 212-998-6020)
Non-tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Affairs (law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu or 212-998-6015)
Tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Tax (law.taxprograms@nyu.edu or 212-998-6150)