Sept. 9: ACP Job Camp Mock Job Talks

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Job Camp is a two-day event for members of the NYU Law community who are on the law teaching market. NYU Law students, graduates, and affiliates who are interested in learning more about legal academia are welcome to attend. Part II of Job Camp, featuring mock job talks, will take place on Monday, Sept. 9.

The day will feature practice job talks by NYU alums and affiliates who are on the job market this year, moderated by faculty members. Attending some of these talks is an excellent way to learn more about the job talk portion of the entry-level hiring process.

In addition, we’ll be hosting an informal lunch from 1:00-2:00pm in Furman Hall Suite 430.

The job talk schedule and the papers to be presented will be available shortly and can be accessed HERE.

If you are interested in attending all or part of this event, please RSVP HERE.

Any questions? Email the Academic Careers Program at