Oct. 11: ACP Panel on Fellowships and VAPs

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Are you interested in becoming a law professor and thinking of applying for fellowships and VAPs? Academic fellowships and VAPs (Visiting Assistant Professorships) can give you time to write, a chance to teach, and the opportunity to join a legal scholarly community and develop mentorship relationships. But there are many variations among programs. 

Learn about these programs from alumni who’ve done them. Join us for a panel discussion to learn more about how academic fellowships and VAPs can help you pursue an academic career, what these programs are looking for in candidates, how to tell if a program is right for you, and more. 

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 11

Time: 1:30pm Eastern

Zoom link: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/94704340266

RSVP here: https://nyu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2977QyKmtYIfVe6

If you will be on campus, you are welcome to join us in Furman Hall, Suite 430 to watch the panel together. Pizza will be served.